“Give or take a Cheek!”


If you listen closely, you can hear the disappointed groans of a Mom who
had finally gotten to send her son back to school for one day before the next snow closed it down again. The previous snow had just finally melted after a 50 degree day on Monday. (The student holiday from school the poor children needed so much after missing the previous week from school). This allowed for Jeffery to go out and play on his swings while his parents tried to alleviate the icebergs that had set up shop in our pond. Apparently, the water trapped underneath the 6-7 inch slabs of ice on the surface of the pond had evaporated enough that the waterfall pump could no longer circulate. This made it necessary to take the hose to refill the pond enough to engage the pump. We pretty much assumed this probably meant the goldfish and Koi we had in the pond didn’t survive. Much to our surprise, as we put the water in, we could see some of the Koi swimming underneath the ice. As the day progressed the ice cover started to break up and allow more visibility and more fish to be seen. Tough critters these fish. Good thing too because round two of the snowfall and freezing temperatures followed and dang if the pond didn’t freeze over again. At least the waterfall was still flowing…and we know the fish are alive and well somewhere under the sheets of ice.

As for Jeffery, he just knows that thanks to Mother Nature, he gets another two days of pinching Mom’s cheeks and asking for kisses…while Mom curses the weatherman and the school…and the county road crews…and the bus drivers… and the buses which are obviously not equipped to handle snow and the salt on the roads that needs to work faster…and…and…and. What do all those people care that she’s going to look like a hounddawg by the time Jeffery is done yanking on her cheeks. It’s no skin off THEIR nose that Jeffery won’t get to go to the college of his choice because he’s missed so much school. Ok, I’m exaggerating here for comic effect but needless to say she’s not happy. On the plus side she has spent quite a bit of quality time with Jeffery and on an even brighter note…he doesn’t pull MY cheeks. Probably because of the often stubbly feel of my cheeks as I am quite lazy about shaving. I knew sloth and poor personal hygiene would come in handy one day. At least for Jeffery…for my wife? Ehhhh…Not so much! In the meantime, we await what their decision is for Friday as far as school goes. He’s only been home 12 of 13 days…what’s one more…give or take a cheek!

P.S. One hour delay on Friday…but he’s going…her cheeks have been given a reprieve by the county school system.

About mllkat63

I am a 50 something Father and Husband with a 16 year old son with Autism and a Wife who is everything to us. I am a writer, an artist, a casual musician and a contributor to Geek Vibes Nation.
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